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What motivates us to do this? Because your objectives, services, goods, brand, and the structure may evolve over time. As a result, it is critical that your website continues to reflect and support your organization's development.

CraftPitch's website maintenance is a proactive service that involves meetings to review the status of your site and ensure that your online activities are in line with your overall company objectives. Our full-service website maintenance includes any programming, design, development, or marketing changes or assistance that your website may require.

We take care of your website so you can focus on your business. Our staff experts in:

Content Management Systems such as WordPress

PHP & HTML Programming with CSS and javascript/jquery

Full front-end design services

Digital marketing strategies, including search engine optimization (SEO)

We offer a specialised database administration solution to our clients so that they may successfully connect with and serve their consumers. This service is critical for every organisation since it helps to build trust between the client and their customers. We offer adequate in-house security database and client maintenance, as well as cloud computing. Our clients' software may be readily deployed from their own facilities. They may meet their customers' needs and do business. We can create mobile-based applications and software, which are essential for today's clients. Mobile devices now account for a sizable portion of online traffic. Because these gadgets are now common, the majority of users are mobile. These databases are also extremely beneficial to businesses in their efforts to research and produce a superior product. Customer service also addresses issues that emerge in the course of doing business. They handle server crash damage management and backup services for clients. They also assist customers in installing software and recommending suitable hardware setup for software to run.